Daughters of Miriam Center/The Gallen Institute emphasizes an activities-based care model. Programs are driven by individual needs and the interests of the residents and are designed to provide emotional, physical, cognitive, creative and spiritual stimulation.
click here to learn more about Activities
Food Services
Dine Rite, LLC is responsible for the management of our food service department in the skilled nursing facility as well as for Miriam Apartments II. In both buildings the chef, dietitian, executive chef and purchasing manager paln all meals served to nursing home residents, subacute patients and apartment tenants.
click here to learn more about Food Services
The Gallen Institute
The Gallen Institute for Subacute Care is a 38-bed multi-level nursing and subacute care wing designed for the patient who requires rehabilitative or medically-complex services. The state-of-the-art program is a cost effective alternative to an extended hospital stay or when the patient is not yet ready to return home.
click here to learn more about The Gallen Institute
Hospice Care
For those suffering from terminal illnesses, Daughters of Miriam Center/The Gallen Institute provides hospice care in partnership with Hospice of New Jersey. A comprehensive plan of care is created, focused on easing the physical, emotional and spiritual pain that often accompanies a terminal illness, while making no attempt to hasten death or prolong life.
click here to learn more about Hospice Care
Medical Care
Daughters of Miriam Center/The Galllen Institute provides round the clock medical care in the skilled nursing facility. A physician is on-site daily and on-call in the evenings to insure that residents’ medical conditions are closely monitored. In conjunction with other departments, the Medical Services Department formulates and implements a comprehensive treatment plan for each resident.
click here to learn more about Medical Care
Memory Care Pavilion
Daughters of Miriam Center/The Gallen Institute offers inpatient care for those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. The Dementia Care Pavilion is located in the skilled nursing facility.
click here to learn more about Alzheimer's/Dementia Care
Nursing Care
Registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and certified nurse aides work round the clock caring for residents in the center's skilled nursing facility. They are the primary providers of care, implementing the plan designed for each resident by an interdisciplinary team comprised of a physician, nurse, rehabilitation therapist, dietician, social worker and activity therapist.
click here to learn more about Nursing Care
Pastoral Care
Jewish religious observance is an important aspect of life at Daughters of Miriam Center/The Gallen Institute. A full-time Rabbi conducts pastoral visitations for long-term care residents and apartment tenants and serves as the masgiach for the glatt kosher kitchen.
click here to learn more about Pastoral Care
Rehabilitation Medicine
The Helen Geller Deich Department of Rehabilitation Medicine serves to restore residents to their highest level of function through physical therapy, occupational and speech therapies and rehabilitation medicine. A physiatrist, a physician trained in the field of rehabilitation medicine, supervises the delivery of care and prescribes the necessary therapy programs to help residents maintain independence and teach them pain management.
click here to learn more about Rehabilitation Medicine
Respite Care
The Respite "Intermission" Program provides temporary residential care for frail elderly persons who live in the community. Skilled nursing care is provided for a period of one to six weeks in the long-term care facility. Program participants must have a stable home situation to which they can return.
click here to learn more about Respite Care
Sheltered Workshop
The Fred Ables Memorial Sheltered Workshop is an innovative work program that helps keep long-term care residents and apartment tenants active and feeling productive. For many seniors, isolation and idleness can lead to feelings of depression. By contrast, participants of the Fred Ables Sheltered Workshop find themselves in a social environment, working to finish jobs for area industries. With a paycheck to show for their efforts, they know that their skills are valued and take great pride in their work.
click here to learn more about Sheltered Workshop
Social Services
The Social Service staff offers ongoing support and assistance to provide for the emotional well-being and concrete needs of all residents admitted to Daughters of Miriam Center/The Gallen Institute. Social workers provide guidance and counseling for residents and their families to ease the adjustment into a new way of living and to insure the highest quality of life for all those in our facility.
click here to learn more about Social Services